Sunday, November 27, 2011

I'm Thankful for Commercials Like This...

I mean, get the tissues out people.

So after spending a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with the fam, I got home a) 10 pounds heavier and b) logged on to my FB to see that EVERYONE and their mom posted this video. So I clicked it, watched it, teared up a bit, and repeated those steps about a hundred times. Check it out below:

The (as of right now) viral commercial is for marriage equality made by GetUp!, which is an amazing Australian organization that helps raise awareness and fight various issues in Australia. I really don't think anyone can deny the power this commercial has. The message is so simple, and although it's one that's not very new, the way it's done and all the elements that are put into it make this something special. I know it has one of my pet peeves with the "Surprise! They're actually gay" element, but this is a great example of that serving a purpose to the overall message. It shows the SHOCKING point that gay couples, really, are just like any other couple. They have their ups, their downs, they care about each other, they're there for one why don't we have the same rights?

Overall, I think this commercial really speaks for itself and GetUp! has done a phenomenal job. Not only is it a beautiful commercial, but it's now the talk of town (it's gotten over a million views in three days). Why there aren't more commercials like this in the US baffles me, but let's hope this one starts the trend...

Side note: I studied in Sydney for five months, and that ferry they're on in the beginning is one I took at least three times a week. Why I didn't meet that hunky man and fall in love on the Manly Ferry (that's not a pun, that' really what it's called) is still a mystery to me...

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