The copy for the ad boldly reads, "If you don't like gay marriage, don't get gay married." Damn. Amen. Preach MMS. (that’s right, we’re on a abbreviation basis.)
So, when I first read this, my initial reaction was, “Wow, what a great thing to say in an ad! Good for you MMS!” (Actually my first thought was that Whoopie Goldburg says this all the time on The View...) Then I thought, “Wait, what does gay marriage have anything to do with storage?” Finally, it got to, “Wow, way to just put something out there just to get the gay dollar.” So, all in all, I was confused.
For me, just looking at this ad it’s not very clear on what MMS was trying to do. I always feel that an ad should sell the product cause, I mean, that’s what they are made to do. I just don’t really see the connection with the gay marriage line and the actual product. MMS has always put out somewhat “controversial” copy in their ads and a few that deal with current issues, which I think is amazing, but the other ads bring it back to the product. Here are some samples below:
So, when I first read this, my initial reaction was, “Wow, what a great thing to say in an ad! Good for you MMS!” (Actually my first thought was that Whoopie Goldburg says this all the time on The View...) Then I thought, “Wait, what does gay marriage have anything to do with storage?” Finally, it got to, “Wow, way to just put something out there just to get the gay dollar.” So, all in all, I was confused.
For me, just looking at this ad it’s not very clear on what MMS was trying to do. I always feel that an ad should sell the product cause, I mean, that’s what they are made to do. I just don’t really see the connection with the gay marriage line and the actual product. MMS has always put out somewhat “controversial” copy in their ads and a few that deal with current issues, which I think is amazing, but the other ads bring it back to the product. Here are some samples below:
However, they have also created other politically charged ads that don't talk about the product at all. Below is one about Michele Bachmann:
After looking a little more into the gay marriage ad, I found this blurb on MMS’s website. The ad is part of a much larger marketing campaign that included MMS workers taking pictures and congratulating newlyweds at City Hall the day gay marriage became legal, handing out free storage to the couples (which is obviously on every gay couples registry), and posting videos and updates on both Facebook and Twitter throughout the day. Here are the videos that were posted:So here’s what I have to say. Based on the ad alone, which is probably the only thing most people will see, does it sound like MMS is just making a bold statement to get the gay dollar? Yes. Put it with the whole campaign of “What Is Love” and their past support for the gay community does it seem like they’re only going for the gay dollar? No. Listen, anyone that puts an ad geared towards the LGBT community is putting it out there to get money. That’s what ads are for. But there are companies that do go above and beyond the advertising to show their support for the community, and I think that’s what MMS is doing. I think the ad would’ve been better if the tagline connected with the product more, or it made it a little clearer on MMS’s intention. But, I also think it’s just MMS’s way of putting it out there that they simply support gay marriage as a company, period.
so i agree with you in all of your reactions: first being 'good for them' then being 'what the hell does this have to do with storage' then 'oh but it's MMS and they always do things like this' BUT 'this has nothing to do with the product like the other tongue in cheek ads.' SO all of that being said...wondering if it would have been better to do something different on this one for their outdoor?...like a less sarcastic more direct congrats to same sex newlyweds in NY (like w/the videos). Clearly they were on board and wanted to make a statement, but i think it should have been different (than their traditional sarcastic outdoor ads) and more genuine like the videos so to really get their point of congrats across.