Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lesbians + Lube = Love

Woot! Let’s hear it for the girls!

K.Y. just released their first TV ad featuring a lesbian couple a few weeks ago! 
Check it out below:

It’s wonderful to finally see K.Y. incorporate the gay community in TV commercials. Although it has the same theme as all the other K.Y. Brand Intense ads featuring straight couples, it’s nice to see the brand finally reach out to everyone, cause, really, sex is a pretty common thing amongst the human race. Here’s an example of the other ads:

I’m actually surprised it took them this long to reach out to the gay community because…um…let’s just say a product like this is a bit of a necessity. I guess there’s no better time than the present to start. (Side note: the ad is called "Alex & Emma" which is also the title of a 2003 movie staring Kate Hudson and Luke Wilson. Okay, moving on...) Although this is the first TV commercial they’ve done, they did release a print ad back in 2010 featuring a gay couple as the winners for America’s Top Couple. This ad ran in Entertainment Weekly and also won a GLAAD Media Awards in Advertising for “Outstanding Print Campaign.”
Overall I think it's a great step in the right direction for K.Y. and they understand their market. They could have gone the direction of being very tacky and crude, but these ads are tasteful while also straight to the point and humorous at the same time.

What do you guys think? Is it good that they finally put gay themed ads out or do you think it's a little too late?

Full Credits for "Alex & Emma"


  1. I think KY was just intimidated by how savvy the gay community might be with lube-- too high brow for simple KY! Straight folks are the only ones still scared to go to a sex-toy store and buy a decent bottle of lube!

    Okay, not really-- but seriously, my first thought was, "You'd think a 'personal lubricant' company would be among the first to target a more diverse sexual audience, because HELLO that's their CUSTOMER [read: everybody who has sex]."

    The only reason I imagine the delay could be explained is that lube is already a somewhat taboo topic, particularly amongst 'average' straight couples. The campaigns recently have been strongly targeted towards middle-class, conservative-ish, straight couples (lots in their middle-age too!), so it seemed they were trying to bring lube to the masses.

    I did notice, not too long ago, a commercial that featured an asian couple, which was the first time I saw a non-white couple in a KY commercial. Looks like they're trying to diversify their message.
    But whatever, silly KY! Glad they're finally on the bandwagon.

    Nice blog, by the way, Sean! I look forward to seeing more of your entries.

  2. Thanks for your thoughts Whitney! Those a great points to bring up that I never really thought about. I think the campaign as a whole does a great job making the "taboo" subject a little more inviting for the masses. They show the product, they're comical, yet relatable. However, it still surprises me that it took KY this long to make a commercial targeted towards the LGBT community, but as you said, "Silly KY! Glad they're finally on the bandwagon."

    Thanks for reading girl! I hope all is well down in GA!
