Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Family Man...Who's A Gay Politician

It's time for some politics, everyone!

A few weeks ago, Bevan Dufty, who is running for mayor of San Francisco, released his first campaign commercial. Take a look below:


Aw, what a great commercial. Just a friendly looking politician riding the MUNI with his daughter...

Hmmm? What's that you say? He's openly gay? Oh...errrr...okay. An openly gay politician riding the MUNI with...his...dau...*gulp*...oh...oh my...I just don't know about this. I mean, a GAY politician riding the MUNI with his child?! How DARE HE! Thinking gay people can raise a child?! Now that's appalling, just APPALLING!!

April October! Like I'd really think that about this cute commercial. But, sadly, these are the thoughts of some people about this. As far as we know, this is the first time an openly gay politician has featured their family in a campaign commercial, and some people just aren't too happy about it. Some people complained that it was "exploitative" to feature his daughter in a political ad...

For real? Is it just me or have politicians been talking about their families and putting them in campaign ads for years? I just feel like if this was a straight politician, this would just be another commercial and people wouldn't think twice about it. I think it's great what Dufty did and if it's ads like this that get people talking, keep them coming.

What do you all think? You think it's a big deal his daughter is featured in a political ad? Do you think if this was anyone else it would be a big deal?

Oh, and what's Dufty's response to all this talk? "We are very proud of the ad an it was a great birthday present for Sidney who turned 5 yesterday."

UPDATE: Bevan Dufty responds to all the press about this ad! Read the whole story here.

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