Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Gay Ad Cheat Sheet

Okay people, I know we all can’t sit around, taking breaks from our “Real Housewives of New Jersey” marathons to watch all the gay themed ads out there. Well, I found some CliffsNotes on them for everyone to watch. I’ll say “you’re welcome” before you can even thank me. You’re welcome.

A few months ago to celebrate Gay Pride month, Adweek comprised a collection of The 50 Gayest Ads Ever. The list compiles many different types of TV ads from a wide range of products, such as airlines, fast food, jeans, gay marriage…and so on. There are clearly many other gay TV ads out there, but this is a good place to start.

Now, what I do like about this list are the categories that David Griner put the ads in, which are so…dead….ON! I noticed a lot of these themes while researching other ads and as we keep collecting more, I’m sure we’ll keep adding to them. They are:

The first five categories are extremely common, and most of the time not done very well. Each category deserves to be talked about individually because unless they’re done right, they're what needs to change in LGBT advertising. I smell future bloooog toooopics! (said in the style of a high-pitched falsetto voice or an Oprah introduction scream, I’ll let you pick)

Out of this list, here are a few that I really enjoy. Check them out below:

Silverjet - 2007 - U.K.

Absolut Cut - 2006 - Australia

Vodafone - 2005 - U.K. 

Heinz - 2008 - U.K.

(Little side note: this ad got pulled because of 200...yes, 200 complaints. Um, yeah, more on that later)

Virgin Atlantic - 2004 - South Africa

EuroPride 2009 - 2009 - Switzerland

Israeli Gay Youth Organization - 2006 - Israel

Bianco Footwear - 2008 - Denmark

Travelocity - 2003 - U.K.

So what do you all think? Do you have a favorite? Any you think should or shouldn't be on there? Opinions? The floor is open people...

1 comment:

  1. Have you sent this to our BFF Kathy? Your Oprah impression reminded me of said BFF. It was GREAT seeing you last weekend! Can't wait till I can see you ALL the time!
